Losing a loved one is an emotionally exhausting time for any individual. The workplace, including construction fields, refineries, and plants are among some of the most dangerous places to work considering the risky tasks these employees perform daily. Family members of a deceased individual will likely be interested in seeking legal compensation for damages inflicted upon them in which, they will file a wrongful death claim.
Who can file a claim in Texas
Wrongful death claim legalities vary within each state. In Texas, these claims can be filed by children, spouses, and parents of the victim. Some states do permit distant relatives, such as grandparents and siblings to initiate a wrongful death lawsuit however, Texas prohibits this action.
Those who decide to file a claim should be able to:
- Provide proof that their loved one’s death was the fault of another party’s negligence or recklessness.
- If these ground are met, affected family members must indicate that they have suffered definite damages as a result of their loved one’s passing.
What types of damages do affected families collect?
Families who have filed a wrongful death claim are likely to collect damages from one or more of the following:
- Emotional anguish
- Companionship
- Medical bills and burial expenses
- Possible compensation for lost wages that their loved one would have received if they continued living their normal life expectancy
If you need help failing a wrongful death lawsuit, call the offices of The Byrd Law Firm at (713) 864-3000. Our attorneys can help protect your family after the loss of a loved one.